Caryss Cookies

Featured Products

Classic Chocolate Chip

$30 per dozen

Peanut Butter

$30 per dozen

Chocolate Oreo

$30 per dozen

About Caryss

Welcome to Caryss Cookies! I’m Caryss, and I’m so excited to share a bite of what I love with you! I’m a homegrown, Tennessee gal who believes baking cookies and making others smile is one of life’s greatest joys. From practicing kitchen basics with my mom and sister, to learning the best tips and tricks from my grandmas, baking has always been my passion!

It all started when I was taking cookie orders in my family room as a little girl and trying out new recipes on my older brothers. Since then, my cookie baking has grown to neighborhood deliveries, weekly church dinners, and local company events.

My cookies are giant, homemade treats that are reminders of old-fashion comfort. From the cornerstone Chocolate Chip Cookie, to the gooey-centered Peanut Butter Cookie, to an assortment of other flavorful selections, Caryss Cookies has something for everyone and every occasion! I hope my cookies bring you joy and offer you a memorable taste of southern, small-town sweetness!

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